Swinton Section G – 58 – Gilles/Simpson/Gillies
Erected by CHARLES GILLES in memory of his daughter JEAN who died 25th October 1842 aged 19 years. AGNES his daughter who died Dec 11th 1847 aged 11 years. The above CHARLES GILLES died 7th Sept 1866 aged 66 years. Also his wife ELIZABETH SIMPSON who died 26th October 1885 aged 85 years. Also his son JOHN who died 6th October 1885 aged 55 years.
Blessed are they that die in the Lord
Also CHRISTIAN GILLIES his daughter who died 21st August 1890 aged 53 years. Also HANNAH GILLIES his daughter who died 21st May 1895 aged 45 years.
The battle of our life is brief
The alarm, the stuggle, the relief,
Then sleep we side by side