West Row 22 – 6 Todd/Ingles
In loving memory of CATHERINE TODD who died at Kames East Mains 31st July 1903 aged 55years.
Also GEORGE TODD Farmer Kames East Mains who died 6th November 1904 aged 66 years. Son and daughter of the late HENRY and CATHERINE TODD.
Also MARION TODD daughter of the above and widow of the late WALTER INGLIS who died 27th February 1915 aged 79 years.
George commenced as a farm sevant at West Learmouth of near Cornhill, afterwards taking the farm Old Graden in Oxfordshire which he farned for over 15 years. He then moved to Kaimes East Mains and has been there for 10 years.
Taken from the obitury in Berwick Advertiser 11th November 1904.