West Row 12 – 4 Laws/Carmichael
Sacred to the memory of ANNIE LAWS beloved wife of GEORGE CARMICHAEL Coldstream who died 16th February 1891 aged 35 years. Also of the above GEORGE CARMICHAEL who died 11th June 1908 aged 49 years. Also his widow JANE CLARKE who died 1st October 1937 aged 70 years. Also the son ALEXANDER killed in action 24th August 1916 aged 28 years.
Military record
George Carmichael lived at Eaglesheugh. Alexander was in the 6th Battalion Cameron Highlanders and is commemorated at Thiepval Memorial.
George Carmichael was born in Coldstream, a Grocer, Wine, Spirit & Seed Merchant he lived at Eaglesheugh, Victoria Street. His wife Jane was born in Coldstream.