Middle – Row 3 – 8 – Hardie/Ledgerwood
Erected in memory of JOHN HARDIE who died 29th November 1868 aged 54 years. Also FRANCIS his wife who died 26th June 1879 aged 61 years, Also ther children HELEN who died 21st March 1857 aged 1 year. Also HELEN who died 13th August 1860 aged 2 years. Also ALEXr who died 29th May 1862 aged 10 months. GEORGE HARDIE whose son JOHN died 24th February 1869 aged 6 years. Also CHRISTINA who died 6 June ? aged 4 years. Also WILLIAM HARDIE in memory of son JOHN who died 23rd October 1877 aged 2 months. Also MARGARET died 11th June 1879 aged 3 years 9 months. Also ABIGAIL LEDGERWOOD his wife died 19th May ? aged 79 years
John Hardie was born at Sprouston, occupation Carter and lived at East Market Place. His wife Frances was born at Coldstream. His son George age 12 is described as a Carter in the same census (1851). Also in the house is son Robert age 10, a scholar, William age 7, also a scholar, daughter Isabella age 5 and Agnes age 1 month. The ‘Berwickshire Advertiser’ of 21 April 1881 mentions the death on 14 June of Sarah Guthrie, wife of William Hardie, Horse Dealer, aged 28 years. It also mentions that William Hardie lived in the Market Place. So where are William Hardie and Sarah Guthrie actually buried? Did they move away? Abigail Ledgerwood is a mystery at this stage, as to why she was buried within the Hardie plot.