Middle – Row 24 – 17 – Neilans/Litster
Sacred to the memory of JOHN NEILANS Merchant in Coldstream who departed this life on 21 October 1877 aged 59 years. And of ALISON MILNE NEILANS his daughter who died 20 April 1846 aged 17 months. Also JOHN WRIGHT NEILANS his son who died 25 July 1848 aged 5 weeks. Also ALISON MILNE NEILANS his daughter who died 15 September 1859 aged 11 months. Also wife JANE LITSTER wife of the above JOHN NEILANS who died 9 January 1887 aged 69 years. Also DAVID their son died 19 December 1910 aged 69 years. Also MARGARET their daughter died 3 November 1940 aged 83 years.