Middle – Row 13 – 17 – Oliver/Wilson/McGarvie


Erected in memory of ARCHIBALD OLIVER plumber Coldstream who died 13 Octr 1867 aged 75 years. Also AGNES his daughter who died 28 March 1846 aged 2 years. Also CATHERINE WILSON wife of the above who died 16 June 1883 aged 71 years. Also WILLIAM O OLIVER their son who was drowned 22 December 1883 aged 42 years. Also CATHERINE their daughter who died 1 February 1890 aged 43 years. Also AGNES his daughter wife of WILLIAM McGARVIE who died 28 December 1891 aged 40 years. Also OLIVE McGARVIE granddaughter of the above who died 4 November 1898 aged 11 years.


There is no direct evidence but it may have been that William fell through ice in the river and drowned.

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