Middle – cannot locate – 74 – Thomson/Miller/Drysdale
(Table stone) ALEXANDER THOMSON tenant in Neou Coldstream who died 17 December 1746?
And BETY MILLER his wife who died December 17--? And their son ADAM THOMSON tenant in Neu Coldstream who died 11 July 173-.
Also the children of PATRICK THOMSON – MARGRET 3 years and ISABLE 1 year 10 months and 21st June 1760? MARGRET THOMSON who died 19 July 1766 aged 13 years and ISABLE died 18 July 1763 aged 2 years.
Also said PATRICK THOMSON who died 13 August 1787 aged 82 years. His spouse AGNES DRYSDALE who died 6 December 1760 aged 47 years.