Ford Section – C – 526 – Miller/Ker
To the memory of THOMAS MILLER late Innkeeper of Pallinsburn Blue Bell who departed this life 21 January 1805 aged 53 years.
And ISABELLA MILLER niece of THOS. MILLER who died November 9 1815 aged 23 years.
Also MARGARET wife of the above THOMAS MILLER who died November 6 1819 aged 70 years.
And also THOMAS son of GEORGE MILLER of Crookham ..... {died 31 October 1823. rest sunk}.
Sacred to the memory of MARGARET MILLER KER daughter of JOHN KER of Pallinsburn Blue Bell who died 17 June 1822 aged 3 months.
Also MARY wife of the above JOHN KER who died 18 September 1822 aged 31 years.
Also of the above JOHN KER who died 6 May
1824 aged 29 years {BARBARA KER daughter of above JOHN KER died 29 September 1840