Eglingham Churchyard Section-B-Row-3-1A-Mole/Rutherford


[Previously hidden in thick brambles] [Inscription on front of headstone]

ERECTED in memory of THOMAS, son of THOMAS and MARY MOLE, of Eglingham who died April 2nd 1852 aged 20 years. WILLIAM their son died Jany 11th 1862. aged 11 years. JOHN, their son died Decr 1st 1868. aged 25 years. JAMES their son died May 14th 1869.aged 30 years and was interred in Finchley Cemetery London. The above MARY MOLE died Augst 19th1869 aged 59 years.

[Inscription on back of headstone]

In memory of MARY wife of JAMES RUTHERFORD and daughter of THOMAS and MARY MOLE who died September 8th 1874, aged 38 years.


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