Section B – Row 1 – 11 – Grieve/Corsar/Handyside
Table Stone:
Here lies the body of ALEXANDER GRIEVE late tenant of Eastfield who died 15th March 1797 aged 60 years. Also his son ALEXANDER who died 28th January 1795 aged 24 years. And JAMES who died August 5th 1795 aged 21 years. Also the body of JEAN CORSAR wife the said ALEXANDER GRIEVE who died 20th June 1805 aged 60 years. GEORGE GRIEVE farmer Eastfield Parish of Greenlaw who departed to the memory of God the 26th June 1822 in the 77th year of his age. In private life he was adored with those virtues that distinguished a worthy man and a good Christian. And JANE HANDYSIDE wife of the above GEORGE GRIEVE who died on 21st December 1861 aged 67 years. GEORGE GRIEVE youngest son of GEORGE GRIEVE died March 1819 aged 34 years. PETER GRIEVE his second son of the above HEICS died at Barelees Northumberland on third day of November 1859 aged 48 years.ALEXANDER GRIEVE his eldest son died at Eastfield on thirtieth of August 1887 aged 66 years.