Main – Section A – Row 7 – 5 – Nevins/Gibson/Sprott
Erected by JOHN NEVINS In Memory of JANE GIBSON his wife who died at Marldown, 9th May 1863, and of their children who died at the above place. GEORGE, 14th Feby. 1828, GEORGE, 8th Jany. 1855, ISABELLA, 27th March 1877. Also of the above JOHN NEVINS who died at Marldown, 8th October 1878. Also JANET SPROTT his daughter-in-law, wife of THOMAS NEVINS who died at West Heaton, 9th August 1904 aged 64 years. Also of the said THOMAS NEVINS who died at West Heaton, 27th September 1906 aged 75.
John was a farmer at Marldown a small farm outside Cornhill his2 sons also worked on the farm.