Main – Section A – Row 2 – 7 – Carmichael/Nelson


Sacred to the Memory of JOHN CARMICHAEL, who died at Coldsteam, Jun. 20th 1866 aged 84 years.  He was 45 years Land Agent to Sir. F. BLAKE, Bart, Tilmouth Park and was highly respected by all who knew him.  Also of ALICE NELSON his wife who died on the  9th 1861 aged 74 years.  Also of their son THOMAS CARMICHAEL, Iron Monger, Coldstream, who died Jun. 26th 1866 aged 44 years.  Also of their daughter ALICE CARMICHAEL, who died at Coldstream, 20th Aug. 1882 aged 64 years.  Also of their daughter CATHERINE CARMICHAEL who died 21st Mar. 1903 aged 74
Plus on reverse.

Also JOHN, eldest son of JOHN CARMICHAEL late of Tilmouth, who died at Dorking, 5th Jan. 1893 aged 81 years and was interred here.


The family lived at Wellington Terrace here in coldstream


Eldest son John  who died in Dorking in Surry he lived in Marsden Villa a Gentleman his effects £357 16s 6d

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