Section B – Row 4 – 1 – Urwin/Archibold
Erected by HANNAH URWIN in loving memory of her father JAMES ARCHBOLD who died at Shidlaw 15th Aprill898 aged 36 years.
Also her mother EUPHEMIA PURVES who died at Coldstream 23rd June 1924 aged 64 years.
Also their son Pte JOHN ARCHIBOLD K.O.Y.L.I. killed at Loos 26th Septr. 1915 aged 22 years.
"Thy will be done".
Sculptor : W.. Mith., Coldst.
Military record
Private John Archbold ( Signaller ) 10th Battalion, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. He was killed in action in France on 27th September 1915 during the Battle of Loos aged 22 and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial situated in Dud Corner cemetery, Loos, France. His mother Mrs Archbold lived in Market Square, Coldstream and before the war he had been employed by Messrs Meikle and McDougal, grocers, Coldstream.