Section B – Row 13 – 2 – Fyfe/Duncan
In loving memory of ALEXANDER FYFE who died at Wark 11th Novr 1862 aged 30 years. Also ISABELLA DUNCAN his wife who died at Edinburgh 28th Dec 1887 aged 72 years. Also ELIZA FYFE his sister who died at Edinburgh 19th July 1893 aged 62 years. Also MARY INA JANE FYFE youngest daughter of JOHN and MARGARET FYFE who died at Edinburgh 23rd Jany 1898, aged 5 months. Also ALEXANDER FYFE their eldest son who died at Newcastle of Tyne 13th Sept.1905 aged 11 years. Also JAMES FOX FYFE their youngest son who died at Newcastle on Tyne 4th March 1909 aged 4 years