Section A – Row 9 – 1 – Wilson
This headstone is not now in its normal position; it may have fallen and been stored at another part of the cemetery.
In affectionate remembrance of JAMES WILSON, the beloved husband of JANET WILSON who died at Howburn 4th Feby. 1884, aged 52 years.
Also the above JANET WILSON who died at Blagdon 21st April1926 aged 89 years.
JANET WILSON eldest daughter of the above who died 51h March 1900 aged 39 years.
JAMES WILSON, second son who died 22nd October 1905 aged 36 years
. MARGARET WILSON third daughter died 18th June 1922 ,aged 58 years.
ROBERT WILSON eldest son who died 161h June 1929 aged 62 years.
Be ye therefore ready also :for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not. Luke XII: XL.