A true story of adventure
I am researching any information relating to a Coldstream family of late 1800s, the Robsons, and any if at all background and history relating to daughter Mary Paton (Formerly Robson). Born and educated in Coldstream, an amazing young lady and story, that together with a couple of production partners we are telling in a feature film PATON. I have found the family in the 1851 census. When Mary was 19 she married John Gibson and left as a pioneer missionary to the Pacific New Hebrides, warring, cannibalistic islands at that time.
This was an e-mail from Peter Cooper (Creation Pictures Ltd)
Mary’s father Peter was a master Clothier employing 4 men and 4 apprentices they lived at 15 New Road now (Leet Street) He was a high-class tailor. (This information was from the 1851 census
We are all looking forward to this full-length film production coming out in 2020.