John Duncan Widower married Ann Robson Spinster 12 June 1814. Witness G Purves, Edward Grey, Thomas Robson. John Armstrong Widower Married Elizabeth Pearcy Spinster 26 July 1814 Witness James Hogg, Gillbert Pearcy. William Nesbit Bachelor married Alice Cockburn Spinster 28 August 1814 Witness John Park, Jack Cockburn. John Fordyce Bachelor married Elizabeth Scott spinster 27 Jan 1815 Witness John Scott, Christopher Smith, Patrick Thornbury. Thomas Hilton of Carham Batchelor married Agnes Swan of Carham spinster 21 May 1815 Witness Nicholas Swan, Robert Hilton. Robert Tompson of Bedlington bachelor married Isabella Hay spinster 29 May 1815 witness John Hay, Richard Henderson. George Percy of Carham bachelor married Ann Winter spinster 11 June 1815 witness Robert Percy. Robert Allan of Carham bachelor married Elizabeth Smith of Carham spinster 18 June 1815 witness Lambert. Robert Mathewson bachelor married Ann McAthey married 29 Sept 1815 witness James Lowrie, John Batt? Alexander Hay of Mordington bachelor married Jane Mathewson? 4 June 1815 Witness ?? Thomas Thompson bachelor Married Jane Juars ? spinster 29 June 1816 witness William Clark, Mary Young. William Oliver bachelor married Mary Allan 29 June 1816 Witness Martin Allan, Andrew Oliver. George Dixon of Newcastle Married Ellan Wallace 2 July 1816 witness James Wallace, Elizabeth ? George ? Robert Barns bachelor Married Ann Eliza McLeod 3 March 1817 witness Anthony Batters, Charles McLeod. William Smith of Berwick on Tweed married Jane Tulip 12 March 1817 witness Elizabeth Tulip, Edward Nichol. William Halliday married Barbara Cockburn 5 May 1817. Thomas Hutchinson of Tynmouth