West Row 8 – 1 – Smith/Dickins
. In memory of JANE SMITH for many years the valued and faithful servant to Major DICKINS who died 18th April 1896 aged 46 years.
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. In memory of JANE SMITH for many years the valued and faithful servant to Major DICKINS who died 18th April 1896 aged 46 years.
Erected by JOHN KERR in memory of ANN his daughter who died at Coldstream 26th October 1886 aged 19 months. Also MARJORY ANN SHIEL beloved wife of JOHN KERR who died 25th March 1916 aged 64 years. Also the above JOHN KERR who died 15th December 1934 aged 84 years. (Collapsed headstone).
Erected by WILLIAM RENTON in loving memory of ISABELLA his daughter who died 20th December 1886 aged 14 years. Also MARGARET LAIDLAW his beloved wife who died at Coldstream 30th December 1919 aged 73 years.
Also the above WILLIAM RENTON who died at Coldstream 4th April 1928 aged 85 years
Also MARGARET daughter of the above who died 24th December 1958 aged 87 years.
Erected by ROBERT JOHNSTON In loving memory of WELLWOOD MAXWELL Sergeant 4th KOSB killed in action at Gallipoli 12th July 1915 aged 25 years. Also son WILLIAM Sergeant Coldstream Guards killed in action 9th October 1917 aged 25 years. Also daughter JANET McKNIGH died at Crooks Cottage 5th July 1927 aged 31 years. Also ELIZABETH McKNIGH his daughter died Crooks Cottage 4th November 1930 aged 37 years. Also MARY AGNES McKNIGH wife died Crooks Cottage 15th March 1931 aged 67 years. Also above ROBERT JOHNSTON died at Crooks Cottage 14th April 1933 aged 71 years.
Erected by ISABELLA CUNNINGHAM in memory of her beloved brother PETER CUNNINGHAM who died 25th January 1887 aged 86 years. (I know my brother shall rise again) Also the above ISABELLA CUNNINGHAM who died 10th January 1893 aged 78 years.
Erected by EUPHEMIA ROBERTSON in memory of JOHN ROBERTSON her husband who died at Coldstream 19th February 1887 aged 53 years. Also ISABELLA their daughter who died 28th September 1880 aged 18 years. Also the above EUPHEMIA ROBERTSON who died 13th April 1926 aged 82 years.
Erected by WILLIAM HEWITT in memory of JOHN HEWITT his father who died at Coldstream 19th November 1887 aged 69 years. Also ARCHIBALD his brother who died 6th October 1889 aged 28 years. Also JANET HEWITT his mother who died 2nd September 1904 aged 75 years.
Erected by ROBERT and ALICE TURNBULL and in loving memory of ISABELLA their daughter who died 18th July 1925 aged 43 years. Also GEORGE their son who died 16th January 1886 aged 1 year 10 months. Also WILLIAM SCOTT second son of the above who died at Singapore 9th February 1927 aged 48 years. Also the above ALICE TURNBULL who died 27th April 1929 aged 76 years. The above Robert Turnbull died 7th December 1931 aged 80 years.
In affectionate remembrance of MAGGIE daughter of RICHARD and JANE LILLICO who died at Coldstream 22nd December 1886 aged 9 years. JANE the above died April 11th 1903. RICHARD LILLICO the above died October 30th 1907.
‘Sleep in Jesus’.
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