West – Row 30

First World War

There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.

Second World War

There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.

Boer War

There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.


There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.

West Row 30 – 1 Bruce/Cossar/Green

In loving memory of JANET COSSAR beloved wife of ROBERT BRUCE who died 5th February 1922 aged 65 years. Also the above ROBERT BRUCE who died 3rd August 1925 aged 74 years.

Sacred to the memory of JOHN W. BRUCE eldest son of the above and beloved husband of LAURA H. GREEN died 2nd November 1940.

Also the above LAURA H. GREEN who died 7th May 1963 aged 79 years.

Robert Bruce was born in Berwick, his father John Bruce was boen in Tweedmoth in 1807. In 1881 he was married to Janet  and was living in 19 Duns road and was a painter and paperhanger

West Row 30 – 2 Cockburn/Paterson

Erected by WILLIAM and MARY COCKBURN in loving memory of MARGARET their beloved daughter who died 8th November 1918 aged 28 years.

Also MARY their beloved daughter who died 6th March 1923 aged 31 years.

Also the above WILLIAM COCKBURN who died 8th March 1929 aged 72 years.

Also MARY PATERSON his wife who died 12th May 1932 aged 70 years.

Also HUGH PATERSON their son who died 8th October 1933 aged 35 years.

William was a seedsman living at 1 the Lees in 1871. He was born at the Hirsel and traind there as a gardner He later moved toThorniehall Cottage in Selkirkshire as a Nurseryman. His wifes maiden name we think was Mary Pannett from Yourkshire

West Row 30 – 3 Brydon/prentice

In loving memory of JAMES BRYDON who died at Hatchedinize 3rd April 1918 aged 59 years.

Also BETSY PRENTICE his wife who died at Hatchedinize 13th May 1947 aged 92 years.

Also CECILIA their daughter who died at the Cottage Hospital Coldstream 7th June 1948 aged 65 years.

West Row 30 – 4 Cowie

In ever loving memory of GEORGE the dearly beloved husband of VIOLET COWIE who was killed while motoring at Coldstream 17th August 1925 aged 32 years.

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