West – Row 16 – Dickson
GEORGE DICKSON died Leet Street Coldstream 18-5-1942 aged 74 and his wife MARY DICKSON died Leet Street Coldstream aged 87
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There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
GEORGE DICKSON died Leet Street Coldstream 18-5-1942 aged 74 and his wife MARY DICKSON died Leet Street Coldstream aged 87
Sacred to the memory of THOMAS beloved son of THOMAS EASTON Darnchester who died 8th July 1894 aged 9 years
‘Jesus called a little child unto him’.
Also JESSIE SIMPSON his wife who died at Darnchester 24th August 1919 aged 59 years.
Also the above THOMAS EASTON who died at Mersington 25th July 1932 aged 79 years.
Also MARGARET EASTON their daughter who died at Craigholme, Reston 13th January 1968 aged 84 years.
In loving memory of JAMES P. VEITCH born 16th September1862 died 22nd January 1917.
In loving memory of NELLIE LAIDLER daughter of JAMES and ELLEN VEITCH born 18th November 1895 died 24th March 1909. AGNES PRINGLE born 14th November 1898 died 18th December 1898.
Also infant son. Beside a nearby tree there is a small stone with ‘TE JPV’.
Erected by ALEXR CAMERON Coldstream In memory of GEORGE DAVIDSON his son who died 28th August 1894 aged 29 years.
Also the above ALEXR CAMERON who died 14th February 1897 aged 65 years.
Also JANE DAVIDSON his wife who died 23rd November 1920 aged 81 years.
Also JAMES HAYNES his son who died 13th December 1920 aged 49 years.
Erected in loving remembrance of ROBERT TAIT who died at Darnchester 21st October 1894 aged 63 years.
Also MARY CARSTON his wife who died at Darnchester 2nd May 1901 aged 70 years.
Also ANN TAIT their daughter who died at Duns 21st September 1930 age 73 years.
Erected by WALTER DODDS in memory of JOHN (DODDS) his son who died at Milne Graden 18th November 1894 aged 13 years 7 months.
Also CHRISTINA CANT his mother in law widow of the late THOMAS CANT Fairnington who died at Oxenrig 15th March 1891 aged 81 years.
Erected by ANDREW D. CAMERON Coldstream in loving memory of his dear wife EFFIE H. MUCKLE who died at Coldstream on 14th May 1919 aged 30 years.
Also CECILE MARIE ALLAN wife of the above who died at Coldstream on 11th June 1929 aged 49 years.
Also the said ANDREW D. CAMERON who died on 11th Febr 1959 aged 81 years.
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