Middle – Row 17 – 1 Watt/Miller
Sacred to the memory of MARGARET BIRD WATT who died at Coldstream 1 March 1890. Also JESSIE WATT her sister and widow of JAMES MILLER Kelso who died at Coldstream 23 February 1890.
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Sacred to the memory of MARGARET BIRD WATT who died at Coldstream 1 March 1890. Also JESSIE WATT her sister and widow of JAMES MILLER Kelso who died at Coldstream 23 February 1890.
Erected in memory of JOHN DAVIDSON Coldstream who died 20 December 1847 aged 55 years. Also JANE DAVIDSON who died 30 June 1862 aged 63 years. Also JOHN his son who died 23 February 1823 aged 2 years. And AGNES his daughter who died 25 December 1830 aged 6 years. Also JANE his daughter who died 16 November 1854 aged 15 years. Also JAMES his son who died 18 August 1858 aged 31 years. Also GEORGE BOWHILL DAVIDSON who died 28 July 1861 aged 31 years. And ANDREW his son who died 27 January 1880 aged 45 years.
Erected by AGNES DAVIDSON in memory of her husband GEORGE BLACK who died at Lanton Northumberland 27 July 1889 aged 58 years. Also of AGNES DAVIDSON wife of the above GEORGE BLACK who died at Newcastle 8 September 1912 aged 80 years. In her heart was the law of kindness.
Erected by JOHN DAVIDSON in memory of his spouse JANE BOWHILLS who died in Coldstream on 23 April 1829 aged 62 years. The said JOHN DAVIDSON who died in Coldstream on 29 February 1836 aged 72 years. Also ANDREW his son who died in Coldstream on 29 November 1844 aged 37 years
(In BARTIE enclosure, this one and next two) – Erected by ELIZA BARTIE in loving memory of her dear husband the REV ALEXANDER MACPHERSON BA Free Church Minister of Meigle born at Glasgow 3 March 1807 died at Meigle 17 June 1892. He rests from his labours and his works do follow him. (Separate stone) Also the above ELIZA BARTIE wife of the REVEREND ALEXANDER MACPHERSON born September 1873 died 23 January 1896. In death not divided.
Erected in memory of JOHN BARTIE lieutenant in the Berwickshire Regiment of Militia who died ?? 1823. Also MARGARET McLAREN his widow died in Edinburgh 18 February 1855 aged 67 years. Father Almighty thy will be done.
Sacred to the memory of JANET NORVAL BARTIE dearly beloved and only sister who died at Edinburgh 3 April 1877. And interred here. Daughter of the late lieutenant JOHN BARTIE. This stone is erected as a last tribute of love by her affectionate sister ELIZA BARTIE MACPHERSON. With Christ which is far better.
‘IHS’ – Here lies the remains of JOHN MCLAREN late Captain and Adjutant of the Berwickshire Militia upwards of 41 years who died at Coldstream on the 10 March 1825 aged 67 years. Erected by his widow. He served his King and country with honour, Zeal and Fidelity. This stone is erected as a faint memorial of her affection and esteem.
This is a link to the Grey's of Millfield web site who were related to the McLaren's.
We are in debt to Claire Grey who gave us permission to use this link.
‘IHS’ – In memory of JAMES BARTIE McLAREN son of Captain A.D. McLAREN Berwickshire Regiment of Militia who died at Coldstream on the 12th September 1824 aged 13 months. Also of ROBERT MAXWELL another son who died 4 November 1833 aged 2 ½ years. Also in memory of JOHN WRIGHT father in law to Captain A.D. McLAREN who died at Coldstream 18 May 1824 aged 65 years.
In memory of CHRISTIANA McLAREN daughter of Captain A. D. McLAREN Berwickshire Militia who died at Coldstream 15th January 1837 aged 17 years.
Fathers hope mothers joy asleep here. Faithful friend lifes chequered course looks to the poor man said a heart both meek and kind. She lived for Christ and kept her end in mind.
Also JOHN WRIGHT NAISMYTH McLAREN son of Captain A D McLAREN Berwickshire Melitia who died 15 November 1838 aged 20 years.
Also ROBERT McINTYRE McLAREN son of Captain A. D. McLAREN who died 19th September 1842 aged 9 years.
Also CHRISTIAN NAISMYTH McLAREN wife of Captain A. D. McLAREN died 7th March 1844 aged 48 years.
Erected in memory of WILLIAM FALLA who died at Coldstream 6 August 1848 aged 77 years. Also JANET WILSON his wife who died 3 December 1852 aged 81 years. Also ISABELLA daughter who died at Coldstream 6 March 1862 aged 63 years. (On the rear) By EUPHAN MURRAY in memory of husband WILLIAM ALISON died in Coldstream (rest of wording is gone)
(Large flat stone covered with turf) RP Erected in 1823.
Sacred to the memory of JOHN BARBOUR late Officer of the Excise who died at Eyemouth on 24 April 1827 aged 37 years. And ROBERT one of his children who died in infancy. Also of JANE LECKIE his wife who died at Edinburgh 25 December 1861 aged 72 years. Also MARGARET their daughter, wife of DAVID COWE Baker died 7 April 1877 aged 51 years
Erected by DAVID ALLAN Joiner in Coldstream 1823. The said DAVID ALLAN died 6 March 1832 aged 54 years. ANN SHANKS his wife died 1 May 1835 aged 51 years. Also in memory of daughter JANE who died 10 Sept 1823 aged 7 years. WILLIAM his son died 16 July 1834 aged 27 years.
Erected by WILLIAM JEFFREY Merchant Coldm in memory of MARY ANN ALLAN his wife who died 18 March 1832 aged 21 years.
(Headstone leaning backwards) Erected by GEORGE MOOR tenant of Castlelaw (italics) in memory of HELLEN BROWN his wife who died 24 April 1844 aged 54 years. And GRACE EDMONSTON his wife who died 15 October 1857 aged 37 years. Also the said GEORGE MOOR who died at Lennel Newtown 24 March 1871 aged 73 years. Also BARBARA his sister who died 25 November 1871 aged 89 years.
(Headstone about three feet high but lower part sunk in the ground) Erected by JAMES MARJORIBANKS in memory of his wife SARAH ROCHESTER who died October 13 1828 aged 44 years. Also ROBERT his son who died July 6 1822 aged 13 months. Also SARAH his daughter who died September 5 1828 aged 9 weeks. Also HANNAH BROWN his wife who died December 13 1818. The said JAMES MARJORIBANKS who died 26 August 1851 aged 72 years.
Erected by JAMES MARJORIBANKS Blacksmith Newtown in memory of his son JAMES who died 5 June 1847 aged 2 years 8 months. Also his daughter ? who died in infancy. Also his wife HELEN FAIR who died 19 August 1865 aged 41 years. Also the said JAMES MARJORIBANKS who died 21 June 1869 aged 52 years. Also ISABELLA his daughter and wife of ROBERT FOREMAN who died 16 August 1901 aged 52 years. Also MARY DODDS his sister who died 2 Jan 1900 aged 75 years. Also WILLIAM his brother who died 17 Oct 1905 aged 86 years. (per death register daughter and son of James Marjoribanks Provision Dealer and Sarah Rochester (see next headstone). Also JAMES his son who died 19 April 1940 aged 85 years.
Erected in memory of MATTHEW WOOD Shoemaker and feuar in Coldstream who died – July 18?? Aged 6- years
(Little stone behind this one, no inscription) In memory of the late WILLIAM DUNN Birgham who died 11 December 1867 aged 72 years. Also of ELIZABETH DUNN his sister who died at Long Birgham 30 September 1872 aged 70 years. Also of MARGARET DUNN their sister who died at Long Birgham 28 February 1879 aged 74 years.
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