Middle – Row 13 – 1 – Brown
Beside a yew tree. This stone was erected by LEAH BROWN in memory of grand mother MARY BROWN who died 16 April 1822 (?) aged 72 years.
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Beside a yew tree. This stone was erected by LEAH BROWN in memory of grand mother MARY BROWN who died 16 April 1822 (?) aged 72 years.
(In bush) In memory of MARGARET COCKBURN wife of GEORGE VEITCH who died at Shedlaw 22 November 1882 aged 52 years. Also GEORGE his son who died at Shedlaw 3rd March 1882 aged 7 years. Also JOHN SCOTT VEITCH his grandson who accidentally drowned at Wark Ferry 11 July 1903 aged 22 years. Also the above GEORGE VEITCH who died at Wark 2 August 1908 aged 78 years. Also MARY ANN daughter of J VEITCH who died at Shedlaw 17 April 1890 aged 15 years. Also MARGARET THOMPSON wife of J VEITCH who died at ? 29 August 1876 aged ??
In memory of JEAN BLAIR spouse to WILLIAM AITCHISON who died in Coldstream 28 February 1828 aged 59 years.
Erected in memory of MARY COCKBURN wife of ALEXR HENDERSON Shoemaker Coldstream who died 7 September 1829 aged 36. Also of JAMES their son who died 7 Dec 1829 aged 1 year. Also of the said ALEXR HENDERSON who died 12 July 1852 aged 65 years. And of ISABELLA TASSIE his widow who died 2 June 1864 aged 75.
In memory of ISABELLA GREY TURNER wife of ROBERT HENDERSON Merchant who died 4 June 1861 aged 44 years.
Text difficult to read in the middle. Erected by DAVID INNES in memory of ELIZABETH STEPHENS his beloved wife who died at Coldstream 23 December 1852 aged 42 years. Also the above DAVID INNES who died at Castle Martyr Ireland 13 May aged 72 years. Also DAVID KENNEDY INNES who died at Wyoming America 13 August 1879 aged 36 years. Also JAMES TAIT INNES died in Cachar India 16 October 1891 aged 41 years.
Erected by JANE RENTON in memory of her husband JOHN DODDS who died at Sandyford 28th August 1871 aged 39 years. And their children JESSIE ANN who died 3 May 1867 aged 8 years. ISABELLA who died 20 September 1869 aged 5 years. Also AGNES her daughter who died 25 August 1894 aged 36 years. Also JOHN their grandson who died 10 June 1899 aged 17 months. Also JESSIE ANN their daughter and wife of GEORGE BORTHWICK who died at Tynninghame 27 December 1902 aged 32 years. Interred at Whitekirk. Also the above JANE RENTON who died 30 April 1914 aged 87 years. Also MARGARET their daughter widow of JAMES MURRAY Kelso who died 26 August 1926 aged 66 years.
Erected by the daughters in memory of WILLIAM ROBERTSON their father who died at Lennel New Town 16 May 1866 aged 82 years. Also ISABELLA NICHOLSON wife of the above who died 17 March 1873 aged 91 years. Also CHRISTINA daughter of the above who died at Peepy 5 January 1891 aged 87 years. And interred at Bywell. Also JESSIE SUDDEN their daughter who died at Coldstream 25 Jany 1897 aged 88 years. Also CHRISTINA NICHOLSON daughter of the above JESSIE who died Coldstreajm 7 July 1926 aged 77 years. Also WILLIAM ROBERTSON died at Coldstream 17 Jany 1936 aged 65. Also ISABELLA ROBERTSON died at Coldstream 22 February 1952 aged 77. Also JOHN THOMAS ROBERTSON died Coldstream 28 May 1954 aged 81 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
The latter part of headstone is unreadable. Erected by DAVID CARLYLE (Carlise in D/Register) in memory of his wife MARGARET LAWSON who died in Coldstream 25 April 1850 aged 37 years. Also his daughter MARGARET who died 26 June 1859 aged 1 month.
Erected by WILLIAM and ISABELLA COCKBURN of Grindon in memory of ANDREW their son who died Oct 12 1849 aged 13 months. ROBERT their son who died July 14 1876 aged 29 years. THOMAS their son who died May 5 1879 aged 18 years. Also GEORGE their son who died May 22 1879 aged 12 years. JOHN their son who died at North Shields June 12 1879 aged 23 years.
Sacred to the memory of JEAN DAWSON wife of WILLIAM COCKBURN New Coldstream who died at Edinburgh 5 December 1823 aged 61 years. Also the said WILLIAM COCKBURN who died 29 November 1839 aged 78 years. Behold I take away from Thee the Disire of Thine Eyes with a Strock.
(On the rear) ROBERT COCKBURN son of WILLIAM COCKBURN his burying ground. ELISABETH his daughter who died 29 April 1823 aged 13 years. The said ROBERT COCKBURN who died 20 November 1843 aged 57 years. Also ISABELLA COCKBURN wife of the above who died at Horndean October 21 1861 aged 83 years. Also ANDREW their grandson, son of WILLIAM COCKBURN who died 12 October 1849 aged 15 months.
Oh happy is the man and blessed whom Jacob’s God doth aid whose hope upon the Lord doth rest and on his God stayed.
(Leaning to the east) Erected by GEORGE MURRAY Gas Manufacturer Coldstream in memory of his 2nd wife AGNES DICKSON died 15 June 1868 aged 40 years. WILLIAM his son who died 2 August 1879 aged 29 years. Also the above GEORGE MURRAY who died at Amble 15 May 1896 aged 81 years. Come to rest.
In memory of PETER BROWN Coldstream who died 23 February 1887 aged 84 years. Also HELEN his daughter who died 13 January 1843 aged 7 years. Also JULIA WILSON his wife who died 20 October 1888. Also MARGARET their daughter who died 19 December 1898. Also PETER their son who died 7 December 1900. Also JANE BROWN or HARDIE their daughter who died 30 July 1906. Also GEORGE their son who died 2 July 1923. Also JANE SCOTT wife of the above GEORGE BROWN who died February 1896.
In Loving Memory of ROBERT BROWN who died 14 January 1924 aged 76 years. Also HELEN SCOTT dearly beloved wife of ROBERT BROWN who died March 12 1924 aged 77 years. Also WILLIAM SCOTT BROWN dearly beloved youngest son of the above who died October 18 1928 aged 46 years. After the going down of the sun in the evening, we shall remember them.
Small, ancient-looking headstone.
Erected by CATHERINE STEEL in memory of her husband THOMAS STEEL who died at Coldstream 18 November 1854 aged 26 years. Also their son died in infancy. Also ELIZABETH OLIVER mother of the above CATHERINE STEEL who died at Swinton 25 July 1871 aged 74 years. Also SARAH OLIVER who died at Norham 19 January 1869 aged 64 years.
Erected in memory of ARCHIBALD OLIVER plumber Coldstream who died 13 Octr 1867 aged 75 years. Also AGNES his daughter who died 28 March 1846 aged 2 years. Also CATHERINE WILSON wife of the above who died 16 June 1883 aged 71 years. Also WILLIAM O OLIVER their son who was drowned 22 December 1883 aged 42 years. Also CATHERINE their daughter who died 1 February 1890 aged 43 years. Also AGNES his daughter wife of WILLIAM McGARVIE who died 28 December 1891 aged 40 years. Also OLIVE McGARVIE granddaughter of the above who died 4 November 1898 aged 11 years.
In memory of MARGARET HENDERSON who died 9 July 1805 aged 93 years, Also AGNES LOURIE his daughter who died 7 February 1817 aged 72 years. Erected by HELEN McLOUD her daughter. (Small stone beside it)
Small, ancient-looking headstone
Erected by MARGARET GOLDIE NOBLE and MARY ANN NOBLE in memory of their father ROBERT NOBLE baker in Coldstream who died 3 June 1865 aged 72 years. Also SARAH BAIRD mother who died 16 May 1868 aged 73 years. Also their brother ROBERT NOBLE who died 31 January 1832. Also their brother JAMES died 14 March 1832. Also their brother JOHN NOBLE who died 16 November 1833.
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