Middle – Row 11 – 1 – Fairbairn/Waddel
Erected by CHRISTINA FAIRBAIRN Coldstream in memory of her father JOHN FAIRBAIRN died December 1849 aged 51 years.
Also her mother JANE WADDEL (no date).
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Erected by CHRISTINA FAIRBAIRN Coldstream in memory of her father JOHN FAIRBAIRN died December 1849 aged 51 years.
Also her mother JANE WADDEL (no date).
Erected by the widow and father in memory of DAVID DUNN aged 29 years. And of his sister JANE aged 19 years who both died 16th December 1848 . Also JOHN DUNN son of the above DAVID DUNN who died 2nd October 1850 aged 1 year. DAVID DUNN SNR died at Quarryhouse Hirsel 25th February 1874 aged 82 years. MARGARET BOLTON his wife who died at Coldstream 6th August 1850 aged 52 years. Also JOHN his son who died at Coldstream 20th June 1861 aged 38 years. Also JESSIE GRAHAM second wife who died at Coldstream 21st June 1871 aged 68 years. Also ELEANOR TAIT wife of DAVID DUNN JNR first above named died at Edinburgh 11th January 1888 in her 69th year and interred here.
Erected in memory of ALEXANDER FULTON who died at Coldstream 22 Oct 1873 aged 61 years. JANE SMEATON his wife who died 15 July 1908 aged 93 years. THOMAS DALLACE son in law of above died 3 February 1865. JANE FULTON his wife died 4 July 1871 aged 31 years. CATHERINE FULTON daughter of the above Alexander Fulton died 8 May 1912 aged 76 years.
Erected by HENRY TODD West Learmouth in memory of HENRY TODD teacher, his son who died at West Learmouth 11th December 1868 aged 28 years. Also JAMES his son who died 30th Sept 1835 aged 1 year 2 months. Also ROBERT his son died 5th May 1845 aged 2 years 6 months. Also CHRISTINE his daughter died 25th June 1849 aged 6 years. Also WILLIAM his son died 28th June 1849 aged 1 year. Also JANET his daughter died in infancy. Also of the above HENRY TODD who died at Kames East Mains 23rd April 1895 aged 85 years. Also CATHRINE DAVIDSON his wife died 1st November 1897 aged 86 years.
Erected by JOHN JAMIESON farmer Whitelee Roxburghshire to the memory of his son THOMAS who died at Coldstream Academy 26 December 1864 aged 13 years.
In memory of JONATHAN LINDSAY youngest son of DAVID LINDSAY late of Auchmull Forfarshire who died at Mindrum on 13 October 1825 in the 26th year of his age. (This stone was erected by the surviving relatives of the deceased to mark the spot where his allies are deposited
In memory of FRANCES WILSON wife of JOHN HALLIBURTON Bookseller Coldstream who died 15 March 1832 aged 59 years. Also of ALEXANDER their son who died 24 Sept 1825 aged 6 weeks. And JOHN their son who died 12 October 1831 aged 6 months. In memory also of ALEXANDER son of the above JOHN HALLIBURTON who died 17 May 1835 aged 2 years (changed from 1837, Cargill); ALEXANDER died 15 December 1834 aged 9 years. Of JOHN died 11 July 1858 aged 19. Of SARAH who died 21 February 1859 aged 10 years. Of MARY RANKIN hs wife died 4 May 1864 aged 57. Of BARBARA who died 3 October 1881 aged 35. And the said JOHN HALLIBURTON who died 9 October 1883 aged 87. Also WILLIAM WILSON HALLIBURTON died at Veryan Cornwall 21 March 1950 aged 85.
In memory of MARGARET ROBISON PORTEOUS daughter of the REVD JAMES PORTEOUS Coldstream who died at Jedburgh November 1837 aged 4 months. Also ANDREW MATHER PORTEOUS MD his son Assistant Surgeon HM 18th Regt of Foot who died at Colaba Bombay East Indies 10 April 1859 aged 23 years. Where a stone is erected to his memory by his brother officers. Also SARAH GRAHAM PORTEOUS his daughter who died at Coldstream 26 May 1862. Also the above REVD JAMES PORTEOUS who died on 23 August 1865 in his 81st year of his age and in the 55th of his Ministry 25 years of which were exercised in Jedburgh and 29 in Coldstream. Also MARGARET ROBISON his wife who died 16 March 1875 aged 72 years. Also the REVD WILLIAM PORTEOUS his son who died on 22 February 1881 aged 56 years for 30 years Minister of Saint Paul Presbyterian Church of England Spittal in which a tablet is erected to him by the congregation. Also JAMES PORTEOUS Solicitor Coldstream his son who died on 3 July 1916 aged 84 years for twenty three years Provost of Coldstream.
In memory of JANE DAVISON who died 19 October 1813 spouse of JAMES DAVISON late tenant in Milkington. JAMES DAVISON died April 1824. MARGARET their daughter died July 1853
This is a cross, which is very close to the Davison one. In memory of MARGARET STORY died 2nd February 1867 aged 61 years
Erected in memory of JAMES ELDER who died May 1855 aged 35 years. Also GEORGE his son died 12th November 1869 aged 22 years. Also ELIZABETH his grand-daughter who died 25th April 1874 aged 1 year 6 months. Also ELIZABETH HARDIE his wife died 12th April 1870 aged 59 years.
Erected by GEORGE PEARSON Slater Coldstream in memory of THOMAS his son who died 1st February 1863 aged 4 months. Also MARGARET his daughter who died 12th February 1879 aged 8 years. Also MARGARET his daughter who died 17th October 1879 aged 8 weeks. Also the above GEORGE PEARSON who died 23rd August 1891 aged 53 years. Also MARGARET PEARSON his wife who died 29th May 1902 aged 62 years.
Erected by JAMES EMSLIE in memory of his father ALEXANDER EMSLIE who died 4 December 1845 aged 35 years and was buried at Rothbury. Also WILLIAM his brother who died at Lennel Newtown 16 July 1867 aged 24 years.
To the memory of JOHN HUME tenant in Easter Bankhead of Eccles who was born at Easter Coldstream 7 June 1716. Interred here in 1785. And to several of his immediate ancestors. Also interred here who suffered severely during the period between 1638 – 1689 in the noble effort to preserve unimpaired the Civil and Religious Liberties of Scotland against prelatic oppression. One having fallen in a field of conflict in this neighbourhood while others experienced persecution and confiscation of property. Erected by his grandson JOHN HUME of the Register House Edinburgh 1837.
Erected by MARGARET JEFFREY in memory of her husband JAMES JEFFREY who died in Coldstream Newtown 29 June 1824 aged 34 years. Also ALEXANDER JEFFREY his son who died October 5 1837 aged 23 years. The said MARGARET JEFFREY who died July 16 1849 aged 65 years.
Here lies the body of GEORGE BROUN weaver in Coldstream who died September 16 1753 aged 70 years. MARGARET STEEL his spouse who died 1 May 1759 aged 67 years. Also grandchildren GEORGE, ELSPETH, ELIZABETH and BETTY BROWN (Spouse MARGARET STEEL). (This part of the headstone is buried).
Erected by EDWARD WALKER brewer Coldstream in memory of JESSIE DODDS wife who died 7 December 1848 aged 26. And of JOHN EDWARD his son who died 2 Sept 1835 aged 1 year. Also of the said EDWARD WALKER who died at Coldstream June 7 1857 aged 34 years. Also JOSEPH his son who died 27 Novr 1886 aged 29 years. Also EDWARD son of JOSEPH WALKER Jnr who died 1 July 1887 aged 1 year. Also ANN KERSE his second wife who died 1st April 1891 aged 71 years. Also ADAM SCOTT son of GEORGE WALKER who died 19 September 1897 aged 14 years.
(Headstone leaning forward in a big way)
In memory of GEORGE WALKER Coldstream died 22 November 1842 aged 59 years.
Also MARY BROTHERICK wife died 9 January 1862 aged 72 years.
Also JOHN son died 3 November 1839 aged 11 years.
Also FRANCES daughter died 23 July 1840 aged 26 years.
Also MARY daughter died Morpeth 2 January 1823 aged 5 years.
Also JANE daughter died at Morpeth 9 February 1826 aged 6 years.
Also ROBERT son died 24 May 1851 aged 24 years.
Also DAVID W. WILLIAMS great grandson died 20 August 1880 aged 5 months.
Also THOMAS BEACHAM son in law died 24 August 1864 aged 54 years.
Here lies the body of ?? wife of JAMES WEIR died Feb 1804 (?). Also said JAMES WEIR ??
Erected by ANDREW FAIRBAIRN in Coldstream in memory of his father ANDREW FAIRBAIRN who died 4 August 1810 aged 52 years.
Also HELEN BLAKEBEL his spouse died 27 August 1841 aged 83 years.
Also ELIZABETH FAIRBAIRN wife of Junior who died Coldstream October 8 1849 aged 45 years.
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