Middle – ancient headstones – 1 – Mackcomius
(Next to East Wall, third stone down) – JOHN MACKCOMIUS 1677 aged 64 (Mentioned in Craw as well)
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There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.
(Next to East Wall, third stone down) – JOHN MACKCOMIUS 1677 aged 64 (Mentioned in Craw as well)
(Next to wall, northern most stone) – IH 1674 EC
GEORGE LANDRETH sone to PATRICK LANDRETH feuar in Calstrem 1690 (mentioned in Craw as well)
JOHN CRANSTON 1738 aged 72 (mentioned in Craw as well)
MARGRET SHIRIF daughter of VILAm SHIRIF 1695 (Craw says 1698)
WM 1683 - AGNES MURRES (mentioned in Craw as well)
ISOBEIL KI)n?-) date lost (mentioned in Craw as well)
ROBERT WOOD son to JOHN WOOD 1695 (mentioned in Craw as well)
ROBERT BWIE 1732 aged 68 (mentioned in Craw as well)
W. LEKEN 1655
ALEXANDER STENOS tailer in Coldstrem 1722
JOHN FAIR smith and fewar in New Coldstream 1773 (apparently the positions of New Calstreame and Old Caldstreame are shown in Pont’s Map, 1854)
AGNES MORES 1693 (This may be the Agnes Murres lisyed in 7 above, with the dates wrong?)
KIRSTAN WILSON daughter to CHAIRLES WILSON garner at Swinton 1742
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