East – Row 18 Next to the East Wall

First World War

There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.

Second World War

There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.

Boer War

There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.


There are no Boer War entries for this memorial.

East Row 18 – 8 Galbraith

In Loving memory of a dear husband and dad ROBERT GALBRAITH (BOB) died 23rd Nov 2001 aged 69  years. Also a dear wife and mum IRENE died 22nd Jan 2012 aged 78 years.

East Row 18 – 10 Paton

To the glory of God and in loving memory of MARION HOPE PATON died 11th June 2002 aged 87 years beloved daughter of Rev. WILLIAM BERNARD PATON died 25th January 1954 aged 73.

Peace, Perfect Peace.

East Row 18 – 11 Franks

In Loving memory of GEORGE FRANKS 17.12.1924 – 6.4.2002. Devoted father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather  beloved husband to SHEILA  11.11.1931 – 31.1.2015 Devoted mother, nanny and great nanny reunited once again

East Row 18 – 17 Guthrie/Rank

To the memory of a loving wife, mum and Grandma JEAN FENWICK GUTHRIENee RANK died 8th December 2002 aged 75 years. A wonderful husband father and grandad  JOHN DAVID NEILANS GUTHRIE died 24th March 2012 aged 88 years Both Sadly missed.

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