Section F – Row 11 – 1 – Briggs
I.L.M. of VIOLET MARY (MAVIS), died 25th July 1992 aged 81 years, much loved wife of L. SCOTT BRIGGS of Melkington.
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I.L.M. of VIOLET MARY (MAVIS), died 25th July 1992 aged 81 years, much loved wife of L. SCOTT BRIGGS of Melkington.
I.L.M. of RUBY MOFFAT, who died 23rd August 1992 aged 82 years.
I.L.M. of MAUD WRIGHT, died 18.11.1992 aged 83, devoted niece of MATT, died 24.1.1987 aged 81.
I.L.M. of a dear mother and grandmother, MARGARET FULTON JOHNSTON, who died 4th March 1995 aged 85 years.
In Memory of FRANCIS COLIN SWAN died 28 July 1995 age 79 Also his wife AMY ELEANOR BORTHWICK Died 2 April 2008 age 87
I.L.M. Sarah WIGHTMAN PIERCY, died October 23rd 1995, loving wife of JAMES.
In Memory of NORMAN CROSS 1910 - 1996, beloved husband, dad and granddad.
In Loving Memory of BARBARA L. CURRY, died 15th Oct. 1996 aged 78.
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