Section E – West Wall – 1 – Briggs
In Memory of Major JOHN MINDRUM BRIGGS, died July 29th 1977 aged 80 years.
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In Memory of Major JOHN MINDRUM BRIGGS, died July 29th 1977 aged 80 years.
In tender and devoted memory of NORA CARNABY BRIGGS who died June 15th 1936 aged 33 years.
In Loving Memory of KATHERINE WINIFRED, beloved wife of Capt. J.C. COLLINGWOOD, Cornhill House, died 29th March 1951.
In Loving Memory of JOHN CARNABY COLLINGWOOD, Squire of Cornhill, born 1st Oct. 1870 – died 27th Jan. 1953
In Loving Memory of JOHN HENRY FRANCIS COLLINGWOOD, last Squire of Cornhill, born 4th May 1905 – died 3rd April 1975.
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